Saturday, September 22, 2007

Photo's by Gideon

We had a branch activity at church this last weekend and it was loads of fun! It lasted forever, but in a good way because we got to know the other members better and were taught some awesome Indian Dance moves into the bargain!
Gideon is about seven years old and he is probably the most adorable thing in creation! He really liked my camera so I decided to let him play with it for sometime. Giving him the camera delighted him but I also had an alterior motive because doing so gave me the oppurtunity to enjoy the day with out snapping pictures all the time and Gideon could take pictures of people without the awkwardness that I might have fealt. Now I have awesome kid-level pictures that I suppose I could call a psycho-social expirament because it was interesting to see what he decided to take pictures of (like his upside-down between his legs period, I think this was some of his best work!).
He is quite the kid but now I think I have made a monster out of him because everytime he sees me he says 'Ankina (many have a hard time saying my name here so I just let it slide), can I see your camera, please?' He makes sure to use his most lovely pleading voice and widens his eyes to a riduculous circumferance that would make any perfessional begger jealous. When I answer in the nagative he usually sulks for a little while and then replies, 'Next time?'

'Yes, I'll bring it next week.'


Shelby said...

Gideon is adorable and I thank you for keeping up with your blog and letting us poor people stuck at home share some piece of adventure and wonder and fantastic-ness.

by the way, as always, I adore your writing style and greatly appreciate the entertaining manner of it. Gratsi (I'm working on my this you would reply "Prego" - it's like the Italian version of the spanish "de nata" or the english "your welcome/no problem"...and now I'm just rambling...)
I love you!

Shelby said...
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