I volunteer at a grade school that is sponsored by Christ College in one of many slums in the city. This particular slum is very near my apartment. I tutor about 10 kids in 6th grade, eleven to twelve year olds. They are almost so adorable that it is hard to have any sort of organization because they like to talk and when I ask them to be quiet they just laugh because they think I have a very funny accent. As a sign of respect but because I don't deserve as much respect as their usual teachers, they call me Auntie which always cracks me up, especially when they are misbehaving. They are very rambunctious and loud and the little classroom they are taught in is very crowded and I have to contend with the 7th grade students who share the same space as us and whose tutor always asks me to be more quiet, which just makes me laugh more, because yeah right, like it'll even work! I love it! They always ask me to sing them weird American songs and I am sure they think I am crazy because I can only ever think of old girl's camp songs to sing that don't even make sense to me.
Unfortunately for me, but probably not for them because we mostly just play games while I'm there and don't get anything done, I only get to go once a week! I would probably go everyday if I cold because they are that much fun and I love to help them, even if it is just helping them laugh a little oftener.